Church Bulletin

Buckhannon Seventh-Day Adventist Church

February 8, 2025

9:45 a.m. – Sabbath School

Song Service                                                                                                     Bill Elmer      Welcome                                                                                                           Bill Elmer Prayer                                                                                                         

Lesson Study                                  “God’s Love of Justice”                        Bill Elmer

Closing Prayer                                                                                                  Bill Elmer 

11:15 a.m. -Church Service

Welcome & Announcement Period Randy Dustin

Opening Prayer                                                                                               Randy Dustin

Song Service                                              Hymnal, #518                             Bill Elmer

Offering                                                                                                             Randy Dustin

Children’s Offering                                                                                         Randy Dustin

Children’s Story                                                                                               Donna Curtis

Congregational Prayer                                                                                  Randy Dustin

Special Music                                                                                         Van & Isaac Parker & Kids                                                                                                

Scripture Reading                                I Corinthians 15:52                        Randy Dustin

Sermon                                                 “At the Last Trump”                       Pastor Roger Curtis

Hymn                                               “Jesus Is Coming Again”                     #213

Closing Prayer                                                                                                  Pastor Roger Curtis

Organist: Pianist: Sheri-Lyn Sapp

Pastor: Roger Curtis                                                           681-473-0305

Church Phone:                                                                    304-472-0962

Offering today: Adventist TV Ministries

Next Sabbath: Church Budget

Elders: Mark Bramblett, Rick Cutright, Randy Dustin, Bill Elmer, Roy Waybright                                                                                                                                                                                  LET US COME AND WORSHIP with Thanksgiving and joy this morning. We do welcome you to Sabbath School and Church Worship today. If you are visiting with us, we are grateful and honored to have you with us!

Sunset today: 5:47 p.m.                                                                               Next Friday: 5:55 p.m.

PRAYER FOCUS FOR THIS WEEK: Our shut-ins like Terri Cawthon, Gray Conner & Pat Ridpath and others that aren’t able to come out too Church.

BIRTHDAY’S FOR FEBRUARY: 4TH Butch McElwain, 6th Mary Cutlip, 21st Daniel Venegas, 21st Ruth Wightman, 23rd Linda Shock, 24th Alex Buresh,25th Bill Elmer, 25th Melanie Gerath,  28th Willie Abell,29th Gabrielle Humphrey

ANNIVERSARIES FOR FEBRUARY: 14th Rob & Lisa Phillips, 21st Nick & Tonja Cutright

New Zoom ID:

Buckhannon SDA Church

Meeting ID: 846 5593 2320

Meeting Passcode: 1844/ all Church services and meetings

Feb 8th Fellowship Lunch

Feb 9th Valentine’s Day Friendship Banquet @ 5 pm (all food needs to be at Church no later than 3:30 p.m. on Sunday for the Spaghetti dinner @ 5 p.m.

Feb 9-12th MVC Bible Worker Training  @ Valley Vista Adventist Center

Feb 13th High-Rise Service @ 6:15 pm all are welcome to come and join us.

Feb 14th -16th 1st Annual Marriage Retreat @ Valley Vista

Feb 21st -23rd Pathfinder Winter Camp @ Valley Vista Camp for anyone ages 10+.

“If you come here today for something you have not found, please ask someone to pray with you.”

“If you come here today for something you have not found, please ask someone to pray with you.”


Song Service

518 – Standing on the Promises

Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Thru eternal ages let His praises ring;
Glory in the highest I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises
of God my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God.




Scripture Reading: 

What Does 1 Corinthians 15:52 Mean?



Closing Hymn                

SDA Hymnal

213 – Jesus Is Coming Again

Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:
Jesus is coming again!
Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:
Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,
Jesus is coming again!

Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:
Jesus is coming again!
Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;
Jesus is coming again!

Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wondering throng:
Jesus is coming again!
Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong;
Jesus is coming again!

Nations are angry–by this we do know
Jesus is coming again!
Knowledge increases; men run to and fro;
Jesus is coming again!